Court Orders

CPS Court Strategy

The Department of Family Protective Services (DFPS) A.K.A Child Protective Services (CPS)  must petition the court and gain a court order before you are required to do anything with CPS. Anything outside of a court order is by cooperation only. This is extremely important to remember when you are being threatened by a Caseworker. CPS will use this tactic in order to scare parents into action. Court orders are not guaranteed and you are guaranteed certain rights under the law, such as a contested hearing before a Judge.

Important to Note: there are several types of court orders that CPS might pursue: an order to aid in investigation, an order for required participation in services, and an order for removal of the children. Court orders are very serious and our goal would be to avoid having your case escalate to such a degree.

Although, going before a Judge may be the only remedy because CPS has refused to listen to the parent and will not acknowledge any kind of achievement or progress that the parent has made. An experienced attorney can help you explore options and decide what’s the best avenue or strategy to follow in order to reunite your family.

CPS Lawyer serving Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, & Parker County

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